About Us

Expert Electrical Supplies Ltd is an electrical wholesaler that specialises in industrial electrical equipment. Our journey began in 2004 when Stuart Hindle, Jamie Waldron and Chris Horridge established the company in Rochdale, Greater Manchester.

From humble beginnings we grew gradually, building a reputation as a reliable supplier that can deliver essential electrical supplies on time. Now in our third warehousing unit, we continue to maintain high standards making us an efficient and effective wholesaler.

All of the directors had a history within the electrical wholesale industry. Some of The Team’s experience within the industry dates back as far as the renaissance period, well the 1980s at least! We consider ourselves experienced electrical wholesalers who have dedicated our lives to this profession.

As ambitious individuals; we believed we could do much more within the industry and didn’t want to be held back by the shackles of small time thinking and negativity. Sometimes in life you have to take a chance and starting a new business venture by quitting your job was an exciting opportunity that required time, hard work and innovation.

Our aim was to become a one-stop-shop for our customer’s industrial electrical needs. Sticking to basic business principles like the customer is always right has always been our driving force. Even when you become your own boss you always answer to your customers.

We try to be as transparent as possible; we don’t promise the earth and deliver nothing. Letting our customers down is the last thing we want to do. Since day one we’ve been in this for the long haul, not just trying to make a quick buck, but trying to take care of our customer’s needs. Stocking the products they need at the right price and delivering them when they’re needed. We have live stock data on our website, but we can also get products we don’t stock very quickly, delivered to you within 2-3 days.

Like any business, we’re not perfect, but when it does go wrong we deal with problems quickly and effectively. Ready to hold up and hands, apologise, rectify the situation and try to make ensure the problem doesn’t happen again.

We understand that electricians need products fast, whether it’s for an urgent breakdown or because they’re ready to use them to complete a project.

As specialists in industrial electrical equipment we stock a wide variety of products ranging from circuit protection equipment to cable. We’re not limited to industrial equipment, we also offer low energy lighting products to the domestic and commercial sector. We have two dedicated lighting websites in DownlightsDirect.co.uk and Downlights.co.uk.

Electrical Wholesaler

These websites began with the vision of making the process of ordering downlights as simple as possible. Using the knowledge gained in years of trade counter sales we wanted to share it with the world. Downlights Direct is our larger lighting store, like a supermarket and Downlights.co.uk is small and niche like a mini-market.

We try to think like a customer and consider how to make a complex product straightforward and easy to order based on the most important criteria. Focused on the customer journey from start to finish, we try to offer a seamless and efficient shopping experience, helping our customers to make an informed purchase.

Service and communication are key components to our organisation, but we also understand that providing competitive prices is essential. We know that every business needs to buy good quality, reliable products at the right price. We support our customers and help them to be competitive in their industry. That’s why we offer trusted brands that last; we don’t want unhappy customers with faulty, substandard products, that’s why we offer the best that the electrical industry has to offer. The right blend between reliability and affordability. Top quality brands don’t cost the earth when you’re buying them from Expert Electrical Supplies.

To enable us to offer high quality products at amazing value we’re part of the Fegime buying group. Fegime are the largest electrical wholesaler buying group in Europe. Being part of Fegime allows us to offer competitive prices throughout our entire range while maintaining our autonomy as an independent electrical wholesaler.

Our proven track record has taken us from the lower divisions of electrical wholesale into the heights of the largest buying group in Europe. Competing with multinationals, online retailers and local wholesaler’s in a competitive marketplace.

As an experienced electrical wholesaler and not just an online retailer we’re here to discuss your requirements, provide you with a long term, consistent supply chain of electrical products. All at the right price and delivered when you need them. If you have a bulk order requirement or want to reduce your spend, contact us at 01706 860011 or email [email protected]. Discover what we can do for you especially on items like cables which are difficult to offer truly competitive prices online.

With less red tape and no boundaries, we strive to be an easy company to deal with no matter where you’re located. With fast and accurate responses to enquires we are Expert Electrical Supplies.

Chris Horridge

Marketing Director


Here is a video that showcases our journey so far...

Celebrating 20 Years of Trading...